...will be - or already have - gone to Comcast...You are the ones I take pity on the most, you are the ones that clearly have zero knowledge regarding Comcasts overall product line.
1) As for this DirecTV app goes: I dont know what to say in response to all the negative reviews because the issues or problems that are the catalysts for your complaints are things that have never happened to anyone in my household, let alone myself.
• We have 2 iPhone 7s (1 @ 256GB & 1 @ 128GB), 1 iPhone SE @ 32GB, 1 Samsung Galaxy S7, 1 iPad Mini @ 128GB, 2 iPad Air 2 @ 128GB and some Samsung tablet (my step-son has the droid devices, yuck...). Now, amongst all of these devices, their various capabilities, their hardware limitations (whatever they may be), their network limitations (whatever they may be) and regardless of whether they are connected to wifi or not, one thing stands out above all else and that is how surprisingly consistent the app has been.
**Across all of these different devices, the different platforms, the various consistency with which the OS or the app are (or, are not, updated, and all other associated differences, over the course of 18 months with AT&T as our wireless provider and DirecTV as our TV Platform, the app has:
>Crashed a combined 5 times<
>Frozen a combined 3 times<
>Lost track of video 0 times<
• That being said, Im not trying to imply that others are not having these issues, Im sure they are. Im simply stating that it has not been my experience and Im not sure of the cause may end up being.
• For an interesting & anecdotal comparative side note: While we have our Wireless service through AT&T and our TV through DirecTV (thereby, its AT&T also) we have kept our high speed Internet provided by Comcast because they had the highest speeds in our area; they have up to 2GB/s available in our area while then competition is Century Link with a max of 30MB/s. Anyway....the "my account" app from Comcast has been far more buggy than the DirecTV app. The xfinity one has crashed more times than I could count. (Even the xfinity hotspot wifi locator app is equally bad)
2) Switching to Comcast. Anyone who is threatening to do this, or whom actually has done it, I have no choice but to assume that you folks have zero prior experience with Comcast and just how terrible the business practices are!
• Their Customer Service is utter crap! Ya, they have the on time guarantee but that is a promise that is extremely easy to make & even an even EASIER promise to actually keep; especially when you have 300+ technicians on the road in any given city on any given day & at any given time.
**Before you go praising that as something more companies should do, ask yourself: "how do they pay for that kind of labor expense?".
**They are the most expensive television & internet provider in the nation, THAT is HOW.
**Right now we get 250MB/s HSI from Comcast, we provided our own modem, and we pay $60 per month on a 12 month contract. When that contract is up, our price goes up to $119.99; the price doubles!! Comcast is an expert at ripping its customers off and you guys - unless you use a few tricks - are in for a rude awakening.
3) DirecTV versus Comcast reliability. As I said, I have no clue why you have app issues but as far as network stability goes, DirecTV is every bit the equal - if not slightly better than - Comcast TV.
4) Login trouble: yes AT&T owns DirecTV now but the full integration & absorption by AT&T hasnt happened yet and I doubt itll happen at all in 2017.
• I can see where AT&T wants to eventually take things to a unified log in platform where one set of credentials covers anything & everything that you have through an AT&T provider and that makes perfect senses, however, as stated, we arent there yet. Ive noticed there being things like "Enter AT&T Access ID" on DirecTV pages, etc. and these never working.
**Nonetheless, all one needs to do is navigate to an original sign on page via a link under the menu or along the page bottom, use your DirecTV credential and, voila!, your in immediately.
**I would say that it has been an exemplary case of poor execution and mistake laden roll out on their part and much much more should have been kept in house until 100% ready for a focused deployment in a controlled test group. But in 2017 that is wishful thinking for a company of this size.
**If you think Comcast is free of these types of stupendous examples of immense stupidity then you havent been around Comcast long enough!
5) Packaging & Premium Content:
• First off, if you like football then I hope you dont expect to get Sunday Ticket by switching to Comcast. Thats an only DirecTV benefit.
• Secondly, I dont know why someone said that DirecTV doesnt offer discount packages because they do indeed.
**Our Services are as follows:
> 150+ channels
> 2 HD Genie DVRs
> 2 HD Receivers
> New England Sport Package
> HBO/Showtime/Cinemax
> Monthly Bill: $58-$59
7) Conclusion: Sure, this app could be and should be better.
• DirecTV is not perfect yet but they are by far the best.
• This app alone is proof that they have a vision for where they want to be, it is just going to take time to get there but look at the features theyve added to the app already such as voice control and remote control of your receivers. (Sure, they werent the first to introduce this stuff but they did bring it to their app!)
P.S. You should do yourselves a favor & look into AT&T Wireless with DirecTV. Unlimited Data with zero speed caps & for those without the unlimited data, streaming DirecTV doesnt count towards your data allowance.